
LED Lighting


Discrete Semiconductors

Integrated Circuits


Q65110A4057 | Osram M673 Mini TOPLED


 data sheet

Part Number Q65110A4057
Alias Part Number LB M673-M1N2-34-0-10-R18-Z-HAR
Manufacturer Osram
Availability In Available, please send a RFQ. MOQ is 3000 pcs.

Summary Specification

Size 2.3*1.5*1.4mm
Mounting Type SMT
Emitting Color Blue (471nm)
Chip Material InGaN
Luminous Intensity 18.0-45.0 mcd
Viewing Angle 120
Lens Type-Color Water Clear
Forward Voltage 3.1 V
Forward Current 20 mA
Maximum Forward Voltage 3.7 V
Maximum Forward Current 20 mA
Min-Max Operating Temperature -40C to +100C
Factory Pack 3000PCS per Reel

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